H O P E - Christian Web Portal

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Have you noticed most things in this world are temporary?

The truth is everything is wearing out, however Christians have a hope that is sure, a hope in a Saviour, Jesus Christ, the creator of all things. This hope is one that can never fail or wear out.

Jesus is the LORD of lords. Before him we stand guilty of sin. All things in this universe have been subjected to decay by him as a consequence of sin. Jesus alone is able to forgive us and restore us to the state of wellness that we long for.

The Christian hope is not in current circumstances but in the one and only eternal God - who has the power of life and death - and in his love for us.

Christian hope comes from faith in God and Jesus Christ his only begotten son, who's death paid the price for our sins. Christian faith results in hope and in a spiritual desire to grow closer to God and to do what pleases him.

May God bless you as you seek to know God and do what pleases him.


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